Picker no picking!!
I totally understand nose picking... Sometimes it has to be done!! I know this!!
Why do men feel its OK to pick anytime anywhere to any depth?? UGH!!!
I have a busy job, I normally dont take time out of my busy little day to notice much of anything. I stay in my office for no less than 8.5 hours per day. I mean its truly rare that I leave my office. So I did today, the mood all around was rather light and cheery so I thought I had better go see what the buzz is all about... I trail through the office space smiling and being pleasant. I rather enjoyed myself after having an Un-Happy pity party for myself on behalf of my 31st. UNTIL... HE DID IT!!
I stopped in my tracks and stood there dumb founded!! I mean seriously who does that? in public not only really in public where you may never see these people again by there in our office space where SOMEONE IS TALKING TO HIM!!! UGHHHHH!! He was full on 2 knuckles up and talking eye to eye with a co-worker... UNBELIEVABLE!!! I had to be crass. I just had to. I stopped, I stared for a moment.
I asked "why?'
why what?
why would you blatently dig while talking?
because I need to
Do you think its gross? or unpleasant?
he says "It could be to pretentious people"
HA are you saying I am?
well think again Diggin don
I know I know it was terribly rude of me, I just couldnt help it. I have been so non "NOPO" here I had to say something, and yes I suppose I could have been more professional and polite but it just wasn't in me today!!!
Boss man walks in shuts my door... I was bright red because I knew I may have embarrassed him at this point. IM SO kinda sorry..ish!!
Why did you have to say something to him?
Very sorry now. im not sure. by the time I was in that frame I couldn't hold back
I was so utterly grossed out I couldnt help it sorry.
Chuckles from Chuck McChuckles.... please in the future hold back..
Look im sorry please send a company wide memo explaining to people that along with deodorant, clean clothes and a hairbrush come NO PICKING in the office space!!
more chuckles from the mcchuckler.
Let me explain to you in Colorado its so dry here things get sticky so we have to picky...
Ok Listen chuckles I know this, I live here too. However if I feel a pick comin on I excuse myself to the restroom.
Happy Picking Diggin Don. I will be sure to pitch in my $5 for your birthday towards some kleenex and nasal spray!!
You are so pretentious! If someone asked me to describe you, that's the term I'd use first. Hands Down.
Just Kidding. What you should have done was started scratching your crotch, and see if the reaction was the same. Somehow, I doubt it!
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