Thursday, November 24, 2005


I want to give thanks.

Mom, for obviously bringing me life.. Which sometimes im not so thankful for. But none the less Thanks. And thank you for always being there!!

Dad, Thanks for being YOU. you are a great dad and the PERFECT grandpa ever.

Kids, Thanks for giving me reasons... Reasons to say no, reasons to say yes, reason to say because I said so. Reasons to love someone more than life its self. You guys are great kids and I love you so much!!

D, Thanks for the eyeopeners, what you have taught me in the last 3 years. Thanks for the travel benefits and most of all thank your lucky stars you have a great family that loves you.

Ex-Husband, Thanks for being a great dad and trying to be a understanding. I know inside you are a good person and generally wish well to others. Thanks for my kids.

Friends, Thanks for always listening and being supportive.

I am WIPED out of thanks for now.

Eat drink and be merry during the holidays.

Stop the madness

I have been in DEN for the last 17days.

I have been very unsuccessful at finding work here in PDX. I have been forced to expand my territory. I went back to DEN for an interview, well actually a FEW of them. WHAT DO YOU KNOW?? I am offered 2 of the 3 thus far and will know about the 3rd on the 6th or 7th.

One of the 3 is GOOD money... good good good. I hate to say no but I know I will hate the job. So do I go for the money or the happiness??? I dont want to sit behind a computer all day doing the same monotonous CRAP day in and say out for good money even. But it also offers SUPERB health insurance, stock options, 3 weeks paid vaca off the bat!!!! But its in DENVER... why cant it be in PDX?? why am I the plague in portland?? GUH!!!

I start the 12th of December.

The 2nd job, I turned down. Money was ok but not enough to entice me.

The 3rd job is LOW wages... In fact EXACTLY half of job #1 but it is doing something I enjoy and the benefits are great for me and my family...

What to do??

Happy Thanksgiving all...