Thursday, November 24, 2005

Stop the madness

I have been in DEN for the last 17days.

I have been very unsuccessful at finding work here in PDX. I have been forced to expand my territory. I went back to DEN for an interview, well actually a FEW of them. WHAT DO YOU KNOW?? I am offered 2 of the 3 thus far and will know about the 3rd on the 6th or 7th.

One of the 3 is GOOD money... good good good. I hate to say no but I know I will hate the job. So do I go for the money or the happiness??? I dont want to sit behind a computer all day doing the same monotonous CRAP day in and say out for good money even. But it also offers SUPERB health insurance, stock options, 3 weeks paid vaca off the bat!!!! But its in DENVER... why cant it be in PDX?? why am I the plague in portland?? GUH!!!

I start the 12th of December.

The 2nd job, I turned down. Money was ok but not enough to entice me.

The 3rd job is LOW wages... In fact EXACTLY half of job #1 but it is doing something I enjoy and the benefits are great for me and my family...

What to do??

Happy Thanksgiving all...


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